Compression garments now form part of the basic kit for many athletes. Compression garments can have many benefits:
- Enhance overall blood circulation and oxygen delivery to active muscles when the correct amount of compression is used (15mmHg and more).
- More effective blood circulation aids the removal of lactic acid and enhances muscle recovery time after exercise.
- Reduces/relieves pain and stiffness from delayed onset of muscle soreness, especially when worn following exercise.
Our Cellulite Control Micromassage Line contains patented three-dimensional wave fabric that uses the natural movements of the body to apply a beneficial micromassaging effect on the skin. This stimulates microcirculation that is impaired by cellulite, prevents swelling of the legs and helps to eliminate excess fluids. These micromassage stockings and tights are a specific treatment to fight water retention and cellulitis.
Our Silverwave Cellulite Control Garment Range range combines effective micromassage functions with long-term bacteriostatic characteristics. The silver ions in the silver range prevent the reproduction of bacteria and prevent the onset of unpleasant odours. As these products use natural movements, their effectiveness is increased when they are worn during physical activity. The active micromassage can generate light furrows on the skin, showing that the draining effect is efficient. These will disappear in a few hours, leaving the skin smooth and excess fluid free.
Our Active/Sports High Peformance Compression Sock range cmobines a micromassage action with ventiliation improvement to enusre perfect skin transpiration, keeping feet always dry and at he right temoperature in all seasons, preventing the onset of bad odours even after hours of wear. The active micromassage activates blood circulation and may leave light furrows in the skins, a sign of its drainage efficiency, that will disappear after a few hours and leave the skin smooth and free of excess fluids. These sokcs are amde of bacteriostatic yarn with silver ions that block the proliferation of bacteria and helps maintain the biological balance of the skin. Designed to prevent venous insufficiency and especially recommended for all sports activities, reducing cramps and protecting varicose veins. They eliminate and forestall formation of lactic acid and its graduated compression avoids useless energy losses.
Our Silver Support Range line consists of elastic compression bandages for the prevention and treatment of joint pathologies of the knee, ankle, wrist and elbow. These joint supports are available in a wide range of colours and contain real silver ions. These silver ions are permanetly present in the fabric and prevent the reproduction of bacteria. They also maintain bacterial flora at natural levels, preventing the onset of unpleasant odours.