Caresia Garments make multi-layered bandaging much easier, decreasing patient stress and increasing therauptic results while giving patients independence in a shorter amount of time. Caresia garments replace stockinette and mutli-layer of padding or foam. Patients simply don the Caresia and then using a spiral or figure eight wrapping style with 50% overlap, wrap over the top of the Caresia with short-stretch bandages. The short-stretch bandages should be applied to provide a snug fit but not tight.
- Foam chips in Caresia Garments create localised tissue pressure differentials to stimulate inter
stitial fluid movement, prevent stagnation and soften indurated tissue.
- Caresuia garments make wrapping a breeze for the inexperienced wrapper. Caresia is designed to disperese irregular bandage pressures, thus creating a more uniform symmetrical shape to the limb, padding bony promiences, filling concave spaces and compensating for anatomical differences, which impair the distal to proximal gradient compression.
- Caresia garments create localised tissue stretch, opening the initial gaps to encourage reabsorption of interstital fluids.
MATERIALS: Meryl, Lycra, Polyurethane
- Arterial Insufficiency or degeneration
- Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Untreated congestive heart failure
- Localised or systemic infection
- Untreated cancer
- Absent or severely impaired sensation